пятница, 23 марта 2012 г.

Task 3

Let's talk about something more interesting!
Nowadays the most popular modern youth art is Graffiti. Lots of people enjoy it.
Here I give you a link on the video.
After watching it answer some question:
1) Do you need a special education for making Graffiti?
2) Does Graffiti have any value nowadays?
3) What is held in honour of Graffiti in Britain?

For better understanding look through these words:
Raclaiming - восстановление,
Reckless - безответственный, необдуманный,
Scougre society - бедствующее общество,
Tauter society - общество в нормальном состоянии,
Doorstep - порог.

1 комментарий:

  1. I like the choice of your video,and the task, which is for general understanding, isn't it? You may then ask a question where these new words are used, the context!
