пятница, 23 марта 2012 г.

Task 3

Let's talk about something more interesting!
Nowadays the most popular modern youth art is Graffiti. Lots of people enjoy it.
Here I give you a link on the video.
After watching it answer some question:
1) Do you need a special education for making Graffiti?
2) Does Graffiti have any value nowadays?
3) What is held in honour of Graffiti in Britain?

For better understanding look through these words:
Raclaiming - восстановление,
Reckless - безответственный, необдуманный,
Scougre society - бедствующее общество,
Tauter society - общество в нормальном состоянии,
Doorstep - порог.

среда, 7 марта 2012 г.

Optional Task

If you want, you may take part in my little survey about things which are important in visual arts.
The survey is at the bottom of the page.
Answer according to your opinion!

Task 2

We continue to study the creative work of W. Turner.
I hope you liked his pictures thanks to the previous task where there were lots of them.

Look and click at the picture on the right. You can see there one of his most famous works "Fishermen at Sea". This was his first picture thanks to which he became famous and was accepted to the Royal Academy.
After looking at picture say:
1) what colours did Turner use in it;
2) describe it, what exactly is depicted there;
3) what emotions does this picture arouse in you?

Click to see the picture!

Looking forward to your commentaries with the answers!

Task 1

Hello, pupils!
Today we'll learn some information about the famous British painter of the 19th century - William Turner.
Please read the text in the link:
There you can also see a lot of wonderful pictures for your outlook.
Here is a translation of some unknown words in the text, which can be helpful for understanding:
a schooling ['skuːlɪŋ] - обучение
eagerly ['iːgəlɪ] - охотно
wherever [(h)wɛə'revə] - где бы то ни было
an associate [ə'səusɪət]- участник
a draftsman ['drɑːftsmən] - чертёжник
merely ['mɪəlɪ] - только
eccentric [ɪk'sentrɪk] - странный (о характере)
to be dejected [dɪ'ʤektid]- быть подавленным
to bequeath [bɪ'kwiːð]- завещать  

After reading the text answer the following questions in your commentary:
1) What did Turner depicted in his works wherever he traveled? And what was peculiar about his technique?
2) In what way was Turner an eccentric man?
3) Is it important for the painter to copy exactly what he sees or to put his soul into his works? (in your opinion)
Thank you!